Friday, 26 October 2012

Tea, Crumpets & Central Heating!

Having been forced to hide away from the cold and windy weather outside and feed my cold with Tea & Crumpets I thought, I would stop by and say Hi!

I've been busy, which is brilliant....I'm still very much in the early stages of creations but am lucky enough to have people willing to take a chance :) I suppose we all have to start somewhere, right?! 

I have had several orders through, some of them repeat orders, which I take to be a good sign and some through word of mouth.....even better, I have made more biscuits and cookies than I ever thought possible and still there are orders for more and I have even managed to stop dropping things which really helps the profit and loss margins!!!!

I actually had baking sheets of these little yummy cookies on nearly every flat surface of my house......wrestling a 2 year old away from them all wasn't easy!!

It's been a non-stop few weeks of practise to make perfect plus lots of ideas charging around my head for little Christmas treats and craft fair fancies.

I'm hoping 2013 will be the start of something quite special all pushed along by a little help and support from my friends. But first and foremost, I really need to learn to take a decent photo!!!

Feel free to follow my link to Pinterest and follow my likes dislikes and be kept updated on what I have been making and new recipes I have tried.

Wrap up warm folks, its a bit chilly out there!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you :) A mini Victoria Sponge with a nice cup of tea.....bliss!!
